B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

     The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering objective is to impart technical education to the students and to satisfy all the requirements of the industrial environment. The Department focuses on the basic knowledge in the area of AC & DC Machines, Control Systems, Power Electronics, Transmission & Distribution, Power System Analysis, Power System Control, High voltage Engineering, Solid State Drives, Renewable energy from Wind, Water and Solar. The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is a growing and one of the most sought after disciplines in the field of engineering.

Head of the Department


Programmes Offered

Programme Intake
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering60


  The vision of the department is to be a premier and value based department committed to quality      education with preparing students for success in Electrical Engineering and Technology profession.


Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is committed to

  To provide quality teaching and enhance the creative talents of students with practical Engineering      skills.
  To prepare students to develop competent Electrical Engineer.
  To motivate faculty and students to do meaningful research on social needs.


  Find employment in Core Electrical and Electronics Engineering and service sectors.

  Get elevated to technical lead position and lead the organization competitively.

  Enter into higher studies leading to post-graduate and research degrees.Become consultant and      provide solutions to the practical problems of core organization.

  Become an entrepreneur and be part of electrical and electronics product and service industries.


PO# Graduate Attribute Programme Outcome
1Engineering knowledge Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering science.
2Problem analysis Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
3Design/development of solutions Design an electrical system or process to improve its performance, satisfying its constraints.
4Conduct investigations of complex problems Conduct experiments in electrical and electronics systems and interpret the data.
5Modern tool usage Apply various tools and techniques to improve the efficiency of the system.
6The Engineer and society Conduct themselves to uphold the professional and social obligations.
7Environment and sustainability Design the system with environment consciousness and sustainable development.
8Ethics Interacting industry, business and society in a professional and ethical manner.
9Individual and team work Function in a multidisciplinary team.
10Communication Proficiency in oral and written Communication.
11Project management and finance Implement Cost effective and improved system.
12Life-long learning Continue professional development and learning as a life-long activity.

Programme Specific Outcomes

  On completion of Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, the student will have the following      Program Specific Outcomes.

  Foundation of Electrical Engineering: Ability to understand the principles and working of electrical      components, circuits, systems and control that are forming a part of power generation, transmission,      distribution, utilization, conservation and energy saving. Students can assess the power      management,auditing, crisis and energy saving aspects.

  Foundation of Mathematical Concepts: Ability to apply mathematical methodologies to solve      problems related with electrical engineering using appropriate engineering tools and algorithms.

  Computing and Research Ability: Ability to use knowledge in various domains to identify research      gaps and hence to provide solution which leads to new ideas and innovations.


   To improve the academic performance of the students
   To organize conferences, FDP and arrange guest lectures
   To achieve more satisfaction rating of customers
   To consistently improve the placement of the eligible candidates
   To be involved in research, mini-projects and technical papers for the industrial development of the       country

   To exhibit ethical and moral attitude, communication skills, team work and leadership quality, ability       to adapt to the current trends through lifelong learning
   In last ten years the department has transformed in terms of expertise, infrastructure and capacity
   We have been organizing many Symposiums, Workshops, industrial visit, Guest Lectures and Skill       Development Programmes to encourage the students hone their personality and extracurricular skills
   The laboratories are highly modernized to reflect the rapidly changing trends in technology
   The Department has well-qualified faculty and excellent facilities for research
   The faculty and students have publications in the reputed National and International Journals
   Consistent improvement in Placement and Internship
   MoUs with leading industries



To develop simple programs using MATCAD/MATLAB for the following basic requirements

• Formation of bus admittance and impedance matrices and network solution.

• Power flow solution of small systems using simple method, Gauss-Seidel P.F. method

• Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch



• To train the students in Renewable Energy sources and technologies

• To provide adequate inputs on a variety of issues in harnessing Renewable Energy

• To recognize current and possible future role of Renewable energy sources



• To expose the students to the operation of D.C. machines and transformers and give them experimental skill

• To expose the students to the operation and characteristics of Synchronous machines and induction motors



• To provide hands on experience with power electronic converters and testing

• To acquire knowledge on AC to DC converter circuits, AC to AC converters

• To Practice and understand converter and inverter circuits and apply software for engineering problems



• This lab provides knowledge on analysis and design of control system along with basics of instrumentation

• Illustrate adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and study state error analysis

• Examine the frequency-domain response of closed loop system

• Build a compensator system satisfying requirements

• Analyses the stability linear systems

• Develop state models for linear time invariant system

S.No Photo Name Specialisation Email Mobile #
1Dr.S.Prabakaran M.E.,Ph.DPower Systemhodeee@ptleecncet.com8754681968
2Dr.K.Venkatesan M.E.,Ph.DPower Systemvenkateasan@ptleecncet.com9751236990
3Mr.B.Rajapagalavan M.E.(Ph.D)High Voltage Engineering pagalavaneee@gmail.com8870974197
4Mrs.Gomathy,M.EPower Electronics gomathy.revathy@gmail.com7339354047
5Mrs.K.Poonkodi,M.EPower System ponkodieee@gmail.com9790002441
6Mr.C.Ragupathi,M.E(Ph.D)Power Electronics ragupathi@gmail.com9790002441
7Mr.M.Bharani,M.TechPower Systembharani.ind.in@gmail.com8072210588
8Mrs.Manimegalai,M.TechPower SystemManimegalai@ptleecncet.com8072210588
S.No Photo Name Designation Email Mobile #
2Mr.N.Pandian D.E.E.ETechnical Assistantpandian@ptleecncet.com9047299052
3Mrs.M.BABY D.E.E.ETechnical Assistantbaby@ptleecncet.com760106224
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