Year of Establishment 2001
Shakespeare says “Do what you will, your wisdom be your guide”, hence to produce Engineers imbibed with wisdom P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naicker College of Engineering & Technology is possessing a great Library. Thousands of books are relate to Science and Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Management, National & International Journals and a large number of magazines. The Library is modern, computerized and well stocked with current books, periodicals, management videos, CDs and other learning resources. Students can also use this room for quiet self study. In addition to that P.T.Lee students have access to an exhaustive e-library permitting access to leading journals in engineering and business magazines.
The library has developed an excellent collection of books, journals and non-book materials in science, Engineering, Technology, Humanities, Social sciences and management. It maintains separate collections of Reference books, Bound volume of Journals technical reports thesis, videos cassettes, compacts discs and Microforms.
Books and Journals
Library is the soul of any educational institution. The Engineering and Management College Library has been an integral part of academic endeavor. The Central library has around 5973 titles and 23399 Volumes. Central Library subscribes 60 National and International Journals that cover all disciplines of Engineering, Technology, Science & Humanities and Management. The subscription 5 numbers of newspaper.
We got a institutional membership of DELNET(Developing Library Network – New Delhi) that is use full for DELNET database E-book, E-Journal, CD-ROMs, Inter library loan and E-article etc.,
Quality of learning resources (hard/soft) P.T.Lee CNCET Library
S.No | Category | Value |
1 | Carpet Area of library (in m2) | 475m2 |
2 | Reading space (in m2) | 150 m2 |
3 | Number of seats in reading space | 116 |
4 | Number of users (issue book) per day | 52 |
5 | Number of users (reading space) per day | 74 |
6 | Timings During working day, weekend and vacation | All working days, All vacations |
7 | Number of Staffs | 3No’s |
8 | Number of library staff with a degree in library | MLIS,M.Phil, Phd., |
9 | Library management | Circulation, Accession, Cataloging, Classification, All Works |
10 | Issue / Return Records Bar coding used | Manual |
Working Hours
The library remains open from 9.30am to 4.30 pm on all working days.
• To offer effective technical education to contribute to the global industrial development and socio-economic well being of competent Engineers |
• To produce competent engineers to face challenges of the society by providing conducive academic learning environment |
• To facilitate and encourage the students and faculty members to excel in research activities |
• To promote industry institute collaboration and develop the application skills of the students |
• To adopt innovative teaching and learning methodologies that leads to self improvement of students |
• To develop sound technical knowledge, professional ethics, entrepreneurial and leadership skills among students |
S.No | Photo | Name | Designation | Email | Mobile # | Profile |
2 |  | G.Thilagavathy BCS.,, MLIS., M.Phil., | Assistant librarian | | 9578869540 | View |
3 |  | N.Nirmala CLIS., | Library Attender | | 8608288280 | View |
S.No | Department | No. of Title | No. of Volumes |
1 | MECH | 1569 | 6170 |
2 | ECE | 1294 | 5514 |
3 | EEE | 712 | 3109 |
4 | CIVIL | 400 | 1677 |
5 | CSE | 1004 | 3553 |
6 | MATHS | 276 | 1062 |
7 | PHYSICS | 153 | 643 |
8 | CHEMISTRY | 133 | 538 |
9 | ENGLISH | 127 | 520 |
10 | MANAGEMENT | 88 | 264 |
11 | ENCYCLOPEDIA | 2 | 264 |
12 | GENERAL BOOKS | 245 | 348 |
| TOTAL | 6003 | 23450 |
Library Resources collection
S.No | Resources | Numbers |
1 | Books | 23450 |
2 | CD ‘s & Videos | 987 |
3 | Bound volumes of journals | 2080 |
4 | Reports/Standards | 285 |
5 | Photocopies | 1 |
6 | Total collection | 26802 |
Library Rules and Regulation |
• Library membership of all Teaching staff, Non teaching staff and students are the member of the Central Library |
• All members shall sign in the register provided at the entrance as a token of their acceptance to adhere to the rules of the library |
• Under no circumstances, personal books, less and other articles (except a small note book or loose sheets of paper) will be allowed inside the library |
• Strict silence shall always be maintained in the library |
• Any marking or writing in the books by the members is strictly prohibited |
• Members are solely responsible for any damage caused to the books or other property in the library and in that case, they must make arrangement to replace them |
• Misbehavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and also to serious disciplinary action |
• Use of mobile phones not permitted inside the Library. If possessed it should in SWITCHED OFF mode |
• When books are not returned on or before the due date the fine of Rs.1 per day for each date that the book is overdue shall be levied |
• Members are expected to handle the books with proper care if the book is damaged are lost, the member should either replace the book or pay the triple cost |
• Notwithstanding these rules, in all matters, the decision of the authorities of this institution will be final |
• The issue of library cards is regulated as follows: |
• Under Graduate Students - 4 Cards |
• Teaching Staff - 5 Cards |
• Non – teaching staff – 3 cards |
• Student members can obtain membership cards from the library only on producing their identity cards |
• Library cards are not transferable |
• Only one book can be borrowed on each card |
• Members are responsible for all the books borrowed on their cards |
• Student members have to produce identity cards along with library cards at the time of borrowing books |
• The books borrowed from the college library should be returned by the students at the end of the academic year and "No Dues Certificate" must be obtained. Staff members leaving the college by resignation etc., should also return the books borrowed from the library and No Dues Certificate must be obtained |
• Loss of Library cards should be reported to the Librarian in writing |
• Duplicate cards will be issued on payment of penalty of Rs.50/- for each card and on an undertaking that the member concerned will continue to be held responsible for any loss arising from misuse |
• Books other than reference books and periodicals will be issued to student members for a period of 15 days. For teachers, the period of issue is three months |
• Two renewals of books will be allowed provided there are no reservations against these books. For renewals, members must present books in person |
• Before leaving the issue counter, members must satisfy themselves that books issued to them are in good condition. Any damage to the book should be immediately reported to the Librarian, failing which, the members to whom the book is issued, will be held responsible for the damage |
• Books which are in demand may be issued for a short period and books lent may also be called at any time |
• Absence from college will not be permitted as an excuse for delay in returning the books |
• To improve the academic performance of the students |
• To organize conferences, FDP and arrange guest lectures |
• To facilitate and encourage the students and faculty members to excel in research activities |
• To consistently improve the placement of the eligible candidates |
• To be involved in research, mini-projects and technical papers for the industrial development of the country |