B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering

   The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is the first Program of this college. From the very beggining, the department was established itself as an efficient, self reliant and quality conscious entity with the sole aim of producing the most energetic, enthusiastic and professionally competent. Electronic Engineers with ability to take up the challenges posed to them. The Department is fully equipped with state of the art laboratories such as Digital signal Processor, VLSI, Optical & Microwave and RF Communication. It aims to enrich the knowledge and skills of the students on the basic concepts and theories that will equip them in their professional work involving analysis, systems implementation, operation, production, and maintenance of the various applications in the field of Electronics and Communications Engineering.

Head of the Department


Programmes Offered

Programme Intake
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering60


 To offer effective technical education to contribute to the global industrial development and      economic well being of competent Electronics and Communication Engineers


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is committed to

  To produce competent engineers to face challenges of the society by providing conducive academic      learning environment
  To facilitate and encourage the students and faculty members to excel in research activities
  To promote industry institute collaboration and develop the application skills of the students
  To adopt innovative teaching and learning methodologies that leads to self improvement of students
  To develop sound technical knowledge, professional ethics, entrepreneurial and leadership skills      among students


To provide the students with a strong foundation in the required sciences in order to pursue      studies in Electronics and Communication Engineering.

To gain adequate knowledge to become good professional in electronic and communication      engineering associated industries, higher education and research.

To develop attitude in lifelong learning, applying and adapting new ideas and technologies as their      field evolves.

To prepare students to critically analyze existing literature in an area of specialization and ethically      develop innovative and research oriented methodologies to solve the problems identified.

To inculcate in the students a professional and ethical attitude and an ability to visualize the      engineering issues in a broader social context.


PO# Graduate Attribute Programme Outcome
1Engineering knowledge Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering science.
2Problem analysis Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
3Design/development of solutions Design an electrical system or process to improve its performance, satisfying its constraints.
4Conduct investigations of complex problems Conduct experiments in electrical and electronics systems and interpret the data.
5Modern tool usage Apply various tools and techniques to improve the efficiency of the system.
6The Engineer and society Conduct themselves to uphold the professional and social obligations.
7Environment and sustainability Design the system with environment consciousness and sustainable development.
8Ethics Interacting industry, business and society in a professional and ethical manner.
9Individual and team work Function in a multidisciplinary team.
10Communication Proficiency in oral and written Communication.
11Project management and finance Implement Cost effective and improved system.
12Life-long learning Continue professional development and learning as a life-long activity.

Programme Specific Outcomes

 PSO1: Design, develop and analyze electronic systems through application of relevant electronics      mathematics and engineering principles

 PSO2: Design, develop and analyze communication systems through application of fundamentals      from communication principles, signal processing, and RF System Design & Electromagnetics.

 PSO3: Adapt to emerging electronics and communication technologies and develop innovative      solutions for existing and newer problems


  To improve the academic performance of the students
  To organize conferences, FDP and arrange guest lectures
  To achieve more satisfaction rating of customers
  To consistently improve the placement of the eligible candidates
  To be involved in research, mini-projects and technical papers for the industrial development of the      country

  Identify, formulate and solve complex problems to achieve demonstrated conclusions using      mathematical principles and engineering sciences
  Construct, choose and apply the techniques, resources and modern engineering tools required for      Electronics and Communication Engineering applications
  Feedback is obtained from Alumni and Employers for the enhancement of Teaching Learning Process      for the betterment of students
  Motivating the students to enroll in online certification courses like Edx, Coursera, MIT, NPTEL etc
  Forming Special Interest Groups involving faculty with talented students and applying for Funded      Projects
  As a Center of Excellence in VLSI, Cadence training is conducted for both students and faculty to      enhance their technical skills
  Encouraging the students to be members of variousProfessional Societies and organizing events in the      societies like IEEE/ISTE/SAE/CSI
  Organizing Industrial visits and motivating them to attend Inplant training during the semester      holidays
  Students undergone final year projects as Internships in BSNL, Salzer, Pricol ,Robert Bosch,      Heterogenous Communication Technologies etc



Circuits and Devices Lab is the primary Lab. Students learn experimentally the basics of electronic circuits & devices. Students are trained on analysis of passive, active elements and to find the characteristics of various amplifiers, oscillators under different configurations. In devices lab all the device characteristics are studied. In circuits lab, the basic circuits for amplifiers and oscillator are designed, fabricated and tested. The lab is equipped with Electronic workbenches, B2SPICE software for simulation. The lab has function generators with various ranges of frequencies, regulated power supplies and trainer kits to enable students to perform all experiments in analog and digital electronics



Linear Integrated Circuits & Simulation Laboratory is very important for designing the characteristics of OP-AMP, 555 Timer IC and to simulate the applications of OP-AMP. It is also used for designing the Electronic circuits-1. Students of various branches design and test their circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab-technicians. The labs are kept open after the college hours to enable the students to engage themselves in designing /testing the circuits in their leisure hours. Students are grouped into small teams and guided to do their mini projects by using the facility mentioned below.



Modulation and demodulation techniques are taught in this laboratory, using AM, FM, PPM, PCM, PWM, TDM, DM, ADM, ASK, FSK, PSk and QPSK kits. Students are made to construct circuits by themselves and test their circuits using discrete components, so as to reinforce what they have learnt in theory. Experiments include all modulation techniques of analog, digital and mixed signals and data using MATLAB. Experiments include all modulation techniques of analog, digital and mixed signals and data using MATLAB



The objective of the laboratory is to enable the students simulate and experiment with digital signals and systems and apply the theory they have studied in DSP course. Students can implement digital signal processing algorithms using different computational platforms and DSP tools. They can critically analyze the behavior of their implementation, and observe the specific limitations inherent to the computational platform and tools. The laboratory combines both hardware and software facilities.



This Lab has 35 nodes providing excellent facilities for VHDL, Verilog based designing digital systems. Software’s include XILINIX ISE Foundation 6.3i, ORCAD Tools. VLSI Lab provides simulators such as Model-Sim. To have the practical knowledge, trainer kits from Xilinx are also provided. The kits are provided with the latest FPGA and CPLD, so that student can get the real feel of ICs. These tools & trainers are unique, as they are specifically designed for De-mystifying the “Art of learning VLSI design”.



Students are given extensive training in 16 bit microprocessors and micro controllers in this laboratory. Individual attention is given to each student by providing each student with a separate micro processor. This gives each student tremendous knowledge to write the coding independently and to master the programming. Stepper Motor operation, Interfacing of various peripherals and the use of PC as a development tool helps the student carry out real time experiments.



The rapid development within the field of Embedded Systems Design that has taken place over the last years offers new possibilities for designers of Home Appliances, Industrial monitoring and controlling devices, Medical Instrumentations etc. The department of Electronics and Communication is setting a full-fledged Embedded Systems lab keeping in mind the current trend so as to produce industry ready employees. The lab will have processors with 8bit, 16bit and 32bit processing capabilities. The lab will be equipped with most sophisticated development boards for final year projects. The lab is aiming to design good quality products for the present electronics market. Inspite of Hardware components we also provide Simulation Software for designing an Embedded System.

S.No Photo Name Specialization Email Mobile #
1Dr.G.Sathish Kumar M.E.,Ph.D.Wireless Sensor Networkshodece@ptleecncet.com9884817186
2S.Prabakaran M.EIndustrial Engineeringprabakaran@ptleecncet.com9791292702
3Dr.S.Yogeeswaran, M.E,P.hD.,Wireless Communicationdrsyogeeswaran@ptleecncet.com9994667553
4S.Mohanraj M.EApplied Electronicsmohanraj@ptleecncet.com9442216204
5R.Mamallan M.E.,M.B.A.,(P.hD)Applied Electronicsmamallan@ptleecncet.com9750227722
6P.Kamalakkannan M.EApplied Electronicskamalakkannan@ptleecncet.com9362490452
7S. Menaka M.EApplied Electronicsmenaka@ptleecncet.com 8681823415
8A. Sujitha, M.EVLSI Designsujitha@ptleecncet.com 8667541522
S.No Photo Name Designation Email Mobile #
1Mr.E.Bharani D.E.C.E.,BCA Technical Assistantebharani@ptleecncet.com 9043251046
2Mr.M.Ramkumar D.E.C.ETechnical Assistantramkumar@ptleecncet.com9047299052